Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Movie Theater


As you may already know, the board of aldermen, in a 4 - 2 vote, decided to accept the amended Gunnett developers' agreement which will enable B&B Movie Theaters to begin construction on Hwy 14 just west of Hwy 65. Although this movie theater will be a wonderful addition to our city, there were some key pieces of the agreement that I could not support. As your representative in our municipal government I feel obligated to share my reasoning and opinions with you; Especially when they deal with such an important decision.

Below you will find the statement I prepared and read at last night's board meeting before the vote:

"Since I was elected, I have heard the term, "Public dollars for public purpose" many times. I believe this principal and have tried to uphold it in the decisions that I make on this board. I do not believe that the amendments to the Gunnett developers agreement adhere to this principal and it is for that reason that I cannot support this bill.

This agreement deals with two sets of money to be reimbursed by the city coffers. One to cover the costs of infrastructure and one to cover construction costs for the theater.

I believe the reimbursement of money to pay for infrastructure is justified under this principal because infrastructure is one on the few true responsibilities of any municipal government. Once complete this infrastructure will be publicly owned and maintained, as it should be. On the other hand, it is never the responsibility of a municipal government to build or pay for private buildings for private businesses. Once paid for, in part by public dollars, it will neither be owned or operated by the public or by those accountable to the public.

Also, once the money is given as economic incentive, there is no guarantee that the money will even be used to pay for the building costs of the theater. Nothing in the developers agreement holds the project accountable for how the money is spent. Once the money is given to the project the way it is spent is neither accountable or open to the public. The city is not allowed to spend the people's money in this way and it should not give the people's money to other entities to spend in this way.

Another principle that I have heard in these chambers repeatedly is "Consistency". I also believe in this principal and have tried to uphold it in the decisions that I make on this board. I do not believe that the amendments to the Gunnett developers agreement adhere to this principal and it is for this reason also, that I cannot support this bill.

This bill will use the people's money to pick winners and losers in the private sector. A sector that we, as a government board, should be involved with as little as possible. Especially if we cannot be involved in a consistent and fair manner. If we are going to give special tax incentives to one business, we should give that same benefit to all of the businesses in our city. Which I, by the way, would be in favor of. But that is not what the agreement does. It says that we believe B&B Movie theater is of greater benefit to our city than every other small business in the city of Ozark, and I do not believe that to be true.

Until we, as a board, are willing to afford this same economic incentive to all of the businesses in our community, I cannot support such incentives.

It is for these reasons that I will not be supporting the following bill and ask this board to consider my reasoning and do the same. "

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