Sunday, May 31, 2009

Your Input: Should Ozark use Federal Stimulus $?


If you've had a opportunity to read the agenda for tomorrow's meeting, you may have noticed 3 bills that reference the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Federal Aid Program Agreement also known as the 2009 Stimulus Act. These bills, if passed, will


The bills further read that it authorizes the following:

1. The Board of Alderman authorized Steve Childers, City Administrator to execute on behalf of the City of Ozark, Missouri, the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Federal Aid Program Agreement, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference.
2. The City Treasurer is directed to make such Budget adjustments as may be necessary to accommodate the aforesaid Agreement.

The 3 projects are as follows:

1. Completion of a sidewalk that will be located on Hwy 14 from the OC to the intersection of NN and 14 on the south side of the street. $97,000.

2. A transportation study to do preliminary scoping of transportation projects. $40,000.

3. Analysis of existing and projected traffic in order to develop an efficient traffic plan. This will be done on 3rd St. $30,000.

My questions to you are:

A. Do you believe in the Federal Government's spending of tax dollars through the Stimulus Act?

B. Do you feel Ozark should ask for Stimulus funds and, if so, do you believe these projects are good candidates?

If you have a strong opinion either way, tomorrow's council meeting is where you need to be. The only time the public is allowed to speak on a bill is when it is in its fist reading. I will hold my opinion until after the meeting.

On a side note, the PlazaCorp offer resolution will be removed from the agenda again and will be discussed in a special meeting on the 8th at 5:30.

Friday, May 29, 2009

May 16, 2009 Council Retreat Minutes

City of Ozark Missouri


P.O. Box 295




Ozark, Missouri





May 16, 2009

Special Council Retreat

8:00 a.m.


Ozark City Council met for a Special Council Retreat at 8:00 a.m. at the new Community Center in Ozark, Missouri. All Councilpersons attended with Alderman Mark Spinabella absent:  Alderman Mike Esterl, Alderman Chris Snyder, Alderman Melissa Wagner, Alderman Dennis Sparrow and Alderman Rick Gardner with Alderman Mark Spinabella absent. City Administrator


8:00 a.m.




City Administrator Steve Childers started the Retreat with Opening Remarks. Steve thanked the Mayor and Council and City staff for giving up part of their Saturday to attend this Retreat.

Retreat Theme:

A Vision Without Action is a Daydream . Action Without Vision is a Nightmare.


Planning and Development: Don Duncan, Dolores Lamb and Steve Childers.


·                    Code Enforcement

·                    Letters of Credit


Don Duncan began his presentation with Property Maintenance highlighting these categories:

            Help Maintain Property Values

            Instill Civic Pride

            Prevent Blighted Areas

            Encourage Economic Development

            Reduce Crime

Don Duncan gave some examples of how to Educate the Public on Property Maintenance:


            Press Release

            Web Links

The top five (5) Code Issues

            Tall Grass & Weeds

            Outside Storage

            Temporary Signs

            Inoperative Vehicles

            Trash & Rubbish


City Administrator Steve Childers informed the Council that staff was in the process of reviewing our Sign Ordinance.


Enforcement Process:

            Action Request

            Official Notice

            Correction time


Future Code Enforcement Goals:

            Rental Inspections

            Volunteer Connections

            Bi-Annual City Wide Clean Up

            Domestic Equipment Storage

            Home Based Business Permits


Alderman Rick Gardner questioned whether it would create a problem with the C of O if the owner had a time lapse in between the residence/business being rented and the rental inspection.


Don Duncan stated no, that the inspection would be a visual overview rather than an in depth inspection, these inspections are to protect the renter.


Don Duncan concluded his presentation by giving the "Bottom Line":

            Two Year Plan

            Change is Not Easy

            Majority of Citizens Want Enforcement

            Be Ready Both Sides Will be Upset

            We Need Your Support


Alderman Melissa Wagner questioned how the City educated the public of the changes to our Codes other than through the Web Site.


Alderman Rick Gardner suggested utilizing the water bills to notify the public of Code Amendments and adoptions.


City Administrator Steve Childers stated that one of his goals was to upgrade our communication process to the citizens.


Planning and Development Coordinator Dolores Lamb:     Letters of Credit


Letters of Credit:

            What They are and How they Affect the Citizens





Present Situation:

            We currently have 28 letters of credit, 27 letters are on subdivisions that developers have not completed. The unfinished subdivisions could possibly leave the City of Ozark with expensive responsibilities.


Summary of Existing Letters of Credit by Year:

            The City accrued:

                        Three (3) Letters of Credit in 2004.

                        Ten (10) Letters of Credit in 2005

                        Eight (8) Letters of Credit in 2006

                        Three (3) Letters of Credit in 2007

                        Four (4) Letters of Credit in 2008


Alderman Rick Gardner asked if the City continued inspections and issued Occupancy Permits if a Subdivision is incomplete and we have a Letter of Credit on file.


City Administrator Steve Childers asked the Council if they think the City should continue to allow building without finished infrastructure.


Alderman Rick Gardner asked if it would be feasible or even possible to place a lien on Subdivisions with incomplete infrastructure.


Alderman Dennis Sparrow asked if the City could require an Escrow Account.


City Administrator Steve Childers stated that our independent Auditors were not fans of Escrow Accounts.


What We've Done to Remedy:


                        Public Infrastructure Completion was not required prior to approval on Final Plat.



                        Due to our design standards all public improvements must be in place before Final

                        Plat approval.

                        Our recently revised Ordinance deals only with maintenance.


What Should our Next Step Be:

            Option 1:          Draw on the Letters of Credit and accept responsibility to complete the

                                    longest standing incomplete subdivisions.

            Option 2:          Continue to Accept the Renewal of Letters of Credit for incomplete

                                    infrastructure, year after year.


Alderman Rick Gardner asked if an incomplete Subdivision becomes under new ownership will the new owner abide by the Codes that were in place when the Final Plat was approved or the Codes that are in place at the time of the sale.


City Administrator Steve Childers stated that would be a question for City Attorney David Collignon to give his legal opinion to the Council


Public Safety:             Police Chief Lyle Hodges.


New Public Safety Issues in Ozark:

            E-911 Sales Tax

                        To be Implemented January 2010


                        Future of 911


Police Chief Lyle Hodges updated the Council on the new Police dog the City recently received. We've had several successful drug busts and had several communities request his services.


Police Department Updates:


            Bike Patrol

            K-9 Unit


Alderman Mike Esterl suggested Lyle inform the new Council on the DEA Forfeiture Funds the Police Department has received.


Police Chief Lyle Hodges stated that we currently have loaned an officer to the DEA Department, the DEA reimburses the City for this Officer's overtime. We have received several thousands of dollars of Forfeiture Funds that can only be utilized for unbudgeted items.


The Bicycle Patrol is going to be used mainly for a Public Relations tool. They will also be utilized on construction sites late at night to help eliminate construction site thefts.


Community Policing- is strongly encouraged, to let our presence be known in Subdivisions and at Businesses.


Alderman Melissa Wagner asked if the Council will be informed of any equipment that is purchased with the Forfeiture Funds.


Police Chief Lyle Hodges stated that most of everything the Police Department purchases is awarded through our bidding process. Some of the smaller purchases Council may not be aware of; such as, digital cameras for each patrol car.


Finances/Budget:       City Treasurer Alice Edwards  


City Treasurer Alice Edwards gave the Council an Overview of the Budget through March 31, 2009.

During the first quarter we have consistently brought in more money than what we have spent. Alice Edwards anticipates the first Budget Amendment in June, 2009.

Alice Edwards gave the Council an overview of the City's Revenue Sources and a breakdown of these Revenues for each Department.


Budget Preparation Time Line:

            July-                 Preliminary Revenue Projections.

            August-            Departmental Expenditure Requests.

            September-      Final Revenue Estimates.

                                    Review of Departmental Expenditure Requests.

            October-          Three (3) Council Budget Meetings.

            November-      Three (3) Council Budget Meetings.

            December-       First Meeting present the Preliminary Budget.

                                    Revisions Made

                                    Final 2010 Budget Presented and Passage.


*Staff will have to coordinate the Approval of the 2010 Budget Ordinance with the newly enacted Council Meeting procedures.


GIS Department:       GIS Coordinator Marcus Heilman.


Marcus Heilman gave a presentation of the Purpose and Capabilities of the GIS Department:




                        ARC G.I.S.



City Administrator Steve Childers stated that the City is in the process of developing a Transportation Master Plan.


Marcus Heilman updated the Council on the GIS Department's Current Projects-They are currently mapping the City's sewer system while collecting and inputting data into the computer system. This process when finished will put us into compliance with the GASBY 34 requirements.


Parks and Recreation Department:  Parks and Recreation Director Dodee Matthews.


            OC Budget/Status

            Program Updates and Upcoming Events


Dodee Matthews gave the Council an overview of where the new Community Center was according to the Budget.


Dodee Matthews gave dates for upcoming Park programs and events.


The Membership Drive is going well, approximately 1500 Memberships have currently been sold. When all the Memberships have been updated into the system she will give the Council a more accurate count of Memberships sold.


Public Works:             Public Works Director Larry Martin




            Wastewater Treatment



                        Pavement Management Systems

            Other Related Issues

                        How Sinkholes Form

                        Southfork Sinkhole


Larry Martin gave an overview of each Department of the Public Works functions.

Larry Martin updated the Council on the process of becoming in compliance with the Department of Natural Resources mandated MS4 requirements.


Storm Water:


            Storm Water Master Plan


                        Wellington Springs and Walnut Crossing.


Water Projects:

            Quail Run

            Interlochen (Fremont Hills)

            North Plane, Elevated Storage Tank Intercepting Lines

            Update Service Projects


Wastewater Treatment:

            Master Plan Review

            Current Projects

                        WWTF Improvements

                        Elk Valley WWTP New Facility

                        Elk Valley Interceptors

                                    Section 1          Section 2          Section 3


                        Pump Stations


Larry Martin informed the Council that the current Treatment Plant has had a new odor control system installed. The system is not working properly. They are working to correct the problem in case the Mayor or Council receive phone calls.


Lunch 12:00 p.m. Guest Speaker-Programs Coordinator for the Missouri State University

      Gail Melgrin.

Gail Melgrin gave a wonderful speech on the topic of Strategic Planning & Governance.


Administrative Topics-          Steve Childers, Larry Martin, Cara Jones and Heather Mullanack.


City Administrator Steve Childers:


The Big Picture:


            Growing Community

                        Schools, New Businesses and Increased Population

                        Requests for Expansion of Public Services

                        Need for Additional Employees

                        Need for Additional Space


            Positions Budgeted in 2009

                        Administrative Project Manager (Cara Jones)

                        City Planner

                        New OC Staff

                        New Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator


            Positions Needed in 2010

                        Information Technology Specialists

                        Legal Assistant


            Space Needs Analysis


            Accomplishments and Goals

                        Accomplishments and Goals for 2009

                        Setting Goals for 2010


            2010 Census

                        What it Means For the City

                        Stimulus Money Opportunities


Cara Jones updated the Council on the City's role in the 2010 Census count that will begin in the Spring of 2010.


Organizational Communication:

            Strengthening of Internal Organization

                        Employee Manual

                        Standardizing Processes


External Communication:

            Public Relations & Outreach

                        Development of PR Plan

                        Regular Press Releases & Articles

                        E-Gov/Improved Website

            Establishing Partnerships






Alderman Rick Gardner stated that the City needed one Website where one central Economic Development impact could be highlighted.


Special Topics:

            Old Community Building on the Square-The City is utilizing a Brownfield Grant to check the old Community Building for mold and asbestos issues. The goal is to sell the building.


Alderman Melissa Wagner questioned whether or not the property could be of value to the City for future needs.


Mayor Bradley Jackson stated that there are a lot of possibilities for the building; the exterior walls will need to be preserved.


            Audit Report Update-May 19, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.


Pedestrian Master Plan

                        Sidewalk Escrow Fund

                        Safe Routes to School

                        Sidewalk Enhancement Projects

                                    Phase I, II & III Grant Administration


            Downtown Development Update


            Business/Development Incentives


Cara Jones stated that she has been working diligently with School Officials to implement sidewalks within a one mile radius away from each school.


Unfunded Needs:


            E-Gov/Website Improvements

            Time Clock/Payroll Systems

            Security for Facilities

            Transportation Improvements

            Additional Staff & Training

            Drinking Water/Utilities Master Plan

            Additional Employee Work Space

            Audio/Video Presentation Equipment


Employee Training Goals:

The City has been offered by OTC several class opportunities to offer to our employees through their Workforce Development Program:

            Basic Computer Training, Excel

            Communication/Team Building/Leadership/Supervisoy


The Meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.




Preparers Signature:




Approval Signature:




Thanks and Have a Great Day!!

Melissa Wagner

Ozark Board of Aldermen Meeting June 1, 2009 Agenda

City of Ozark Missouri



P.O. Box 295




Ozark, Missouri





MONDAY June 01, 2009


POSTED May 27, 2009                                          Ordinance #09-019




APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S): May  16, 2009, May 18, 2009, May 26, 2009 Council Minutes.

CEREMONIAL MATTERS:                   Chris Stone-Chamber of Commerce Director Resignation.




 Public Hearing- Vacating Hoover's Mill Subdivision Final Plat. Owner Mipast, LLC. Mike Casey.

1.           Bill #2454-An Ordinance to Vacate the Hoover's Mill Subdivision Final Plat. Owner Mipast, LLC. Mike Casey.   Alderman Melissa Wagner.    

B.                   FIRST READING BILLS:   

1.             Bill #2455-An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ozark, Missouri by Amending Chapter 365:     "Stopping, Standing or Parking Restricted or Prohibited on Certain Streets", Schedule II, "Parking Regulations".   Alderman Rick Gardner.

2.             Bill #2456-An Ordinance Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Federal Aid Program Agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for the Phase III Sidewalks Along Highway 14/Jackson Street Project.  Alderman Mike Esterl.

3.             Bill #2457-An Ordinance Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Federal Aid Program Agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for a Transportation Planning Study to do Preliminary Scoping of Transportation Projects.  Alderman Chris Snyder.

4.             Bill #2458-An Ordinance Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Federal Aid Program Agreement with the Missouri  Highways and Transportation Commission for the Analysis of Existing and Projected Traffic in Order to Develop an Efficient Traffic Plan. Alderman Dennis Sparrow.

C.                  RESOLUTIONS:

1.             Resolution #1588-A Resolution Affirming Certain Actions with the Finley River Development. Alderman Mark Spinabella. THIS IS GOING TO BE REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA.  IT WILL PROBABLY BE DISCUSSED IN A SPECIAL MEETING THE FOLLOWING MONDAY. 

                2.             Public Hearing-A Public Hearing to Discuss an Application to be Submitted to the Missouri

                Department of Economic Development Under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for

                Intrinsic Audio Solutions, Inc. dba SLS Audio.

3.                    Resolution #1589-A Resolution of the City of Ozark, Missouri, Stating Intent to Seek Funding

Through the "Community Development Block Grant" Program and Authorizing the Mayor to Pursue Activities in an Attempt to Secure Funding. Alderman Melissa Wagner.

D.                   EMERGENCY BILLS: 

E.                    PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BILLS (TAX BILLS):              

F.                    GRANTS: 

G.                  AMENDED BILLS: 


1.                    Bill #2453-An Ordinance Amending Title I, Chapter 110 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of

                Ozark by Deleting a Portion of One Section Relating to the Agenda for Board of Aldermen Meetings and

                Enacting, In Lieu Thereof, One New Portion of the Same Section Relating to the Same Subject Matter.

Alderman Rick Gardner.



1.             Administrative Committee:     

2.                 Public Safety:                         

3.             Public Works:                          Declaring Surplus Vehicles-1995 Ford Crown Vic, 1998 Ford Crown Vic and

                                                                2003 Ford Crown Vic.                             


SCHEDULED VISITORS:     Main Street Director Robert Snook-Discuss Neighborhood Assistance Program FY2010 Application.



                                1.             Pay Bills.


The tentative Agenda of this meeting may include a vote to close part of this meeting to discuss Litigation-Personnel-Real Estate pursuant to RSMO: 610-021 (1,2,3) and such other matters as may come before the Board.

                Representatives of the News Media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting: The City Clerk's Office at (417) 581-2407 or by E-Mail

(To be posted at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the Meeting on a bulletin board or other prominent place which is easily accessible to the public and clearly designated for posting notices at the principal office of the Municipal Corporation or Political Subdivision or, if no such office exists, at the building in which the meeting is to be held). In accordance with ADA Guidelines, if you need special accommodations when attending City Meetings, please notify the City Clerk's Office at least 3 days prior to the scheduled meeting.


Thanks and Have a Great Day!!

Melissa Wagner

Thursday, May 28, 2009

2009-05-26 Special Board of Aldermen Meeting on Redevelopment

The video is fuzzy. I will be posting my notes from the meeting and my thoughts tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. I will also be posting the agenda and thoughts on Monday's meeting. I know I say this every time, but this is going to be an important meeting where quite a few important decisions are going to be made.

Update: Part 7 is coming this evening...I couldn't get it all finished last night.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Posting Comments to Blog Entries

This blog post is inspired by a comment I received last night from Luke:

luke said...
just an observation. the first time i found a notion to post here, i found it would have been just as simple to start my own blogg. perhaps you could afford some directions to those who are not quite as computer savvy as yourself? :)

May 27, 2009 1:34 AM

I have to apologize. It never even occurred to me and it should have been the very first thing I did when I started this blog. So here are some instructions. I hope they help.

If you find a blog post you would like to comment on here is what you should do:

1. Click on the title of the post. For example, if you want to comment on this blog post, go to the top and click on "Posting Comments to Blog Entries". This will put the blog post on it's own page.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. If the blog has posts already, you should now be able to see them.

3. Type your comment. At the bottom of the page there should be a text box where you can type your comment.

4. Put a name on it. There is a drop down box underneath the comment box that is labeled "Comment As:". Here you can choose how you want to be addressed. You can put a screen name or your real name or anonymous.

5. Post your comment. Hit the "Post Comment" button and you are good to go. You can also hit the "Preview" button if you would like to see what it will look like before you post it.

I hope this helps.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Your Input: Audit = Money Well Spent? or Money Wasted?

This Saturday, at the community breakfast, the audit took up a large portion of our discussion. Not to mention all the attention it's been getting in the local media. As I have mentioned before, I believe the audit was well worth the money and am relieved everything is out in the open. Now, as a community, we can move forward. Also, I believe the staff has done a good job in working toward making sure the problems revealed in the audit do not continue, as was mentioned by Susan Montee.

In light of audit discussions at this Saturday's community breakfast and today's News-Leader's editorial (found here), I would like to pose the question to you, the citizen: Was the audit money well spent or money wasted?

Is there anything the city could do to show you that Ozark has changed course and is moving in the right direction?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Official Agenda for May 26th at 5:30

City of Ozark Missouri

P.O. Box 295 Fax 417-581-0575
Ozark, Missouri 65721 Phone 417-581-2407

Tuesday May 26, 2009 5:30 p.m.

Posted 05-22-09



NEW BUSINESS: 1. Presentation Concerning the Finley River Neighborhood Development District.

Resolution #1588 – Extending the Completion Dates of Original Developers
Agreement. (Alderman Melissa Wagner)



The tentative agenda of this meeting may include a vote to close part of this meeting to discuss Litigation-Personnel-Real Estate pursuant to RSMo: 610-021 (1,2,3) and such other matters as may come before the Board.

Representatives of the News Media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting:

Lana Wilson

205 N. 1st St.

(417) 581-2407

Fax (417) 581-0575

(To be posted at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting on a bulletin board or other prominent place which is easily accessible to the public and clearly designated for posting notices at the principal office of the municipal corporation or political subdivision or, if no such office exists, at the building in which the meeting is to be held.) In accordance with ADA guidelines, if you need special accommodations when attending City meetings, please notify the City Clerk’s Office 417-581-2407 at least 3 days prior to the scheduled meeting.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

2009-05-18 Board of Aldermen Meeting Video

Here is the first 2 parts. More to come. I really need a better mic.

Special City Council Meeting


I was informed today that we will be having a special council meeting on Tuesday the 26th at 5:30 or 6:00. The time is not final yet, but it will probably be 5:30.

Here is the informal agenda:

1. A presentation from Darrell Gross (our outside consultant) regarding his analysis on the Downtown Redevelopment District.

2. The other items will be a MODESA meeting update from city staff and a resolution to extend the dates within the original developers agreement for another 6 months so we can continue getting all the work done that still lies ahead.

This is all the info I have so far. I have not been given a copy of the resolution, so I am not sure what it contains. I am going to city hall tomorrow, and hopefully I can get an update. I will keep you posted.

I am excited to here Darrell's presentation. From all I have heard, he sounds like a great asset to the city, and I am interested to hear his take on the project.

Be there if you can.

Reminder: Community Breakfast is Saturday 8 to 10 at the Village Inn. I hope to see you all there.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Community Breakfast


I will be hosting my 2nd monthly Community Breakfast Saturday 23rd at the Village Inn from 8 to 10 am. The meeting will be informal, and no topic is off limits. See you there!!

Lowdown for the Week

Sorry I haven't blogged on any of the recent activities occurring here in our fine city. It has been a crazy week! I am going to give you the abridged version and you can follow up with any questions you have:

Friday 5/8: (okay...that's been more than a week...sry) I gave a presentation to North Elementary's 2nd grade class. My bonus kido, Karter, attends school there and his teacher, Mrs. Amstutz, asked me to speak on local government. Apparently, 2nd grade is the only grade our kids get any local government education (sad). It was a great time! You can read more here.

Later in the day, I had a meeting with developers of the Downtown Redevelopment area, Plazacorp. I spent about 3 hours with these guys looking at plans and going over numbers. The meeting was very informative and the project is impressive.

Saturday 5/16: Council Retreat at the New OC. If you haven't been to the OC, you need to go. The meeting went from 8:30 - 2ish and was jam-packed with information to help catch everyone up on what's been going on. Highlights from the retreat include: Code Enforcement, Letters of Credit, Financials, Public Safety, Parks and Rec, MS4, DNR, and my personal fav. G.I.S. You can get a play by play here.

Monday 5/18: Interview on KSGF mainly concerning Council Meeting Agenda Item Resolution 1587. This resolution dealt with the Downtown Redevelopment area and the redirection of certain tax dollars within that development area. The piece of the resolution that I took issue with was Section 2 that read:
Section 2. The appropriate officers, agents and staff of the City are directed to take all actions necessary, including the execution of all necessary documents, to apply to the State of Missouri for funds pursuant to the Missouri Downtown Economic Stimulus Act pursuant to the financing plan and revenue projections as set forth on Exhibit A.

Exhibit A included a foot note at the bottom that read:
5. Captures 100% of the City's 2% sales tax through 2017, 1.75% sales tax through 2026 and 1.375% thereafter.

Currently, through the TIF rules, the project will capture 100% of the new property tax, and 50% of the new sales tax generated in the redev. area. If we give the other 50% of the sales tax, that means that the sales tax for the OC, which the people voted for in 2006, would be captured in the redev. area, but would not be used for the OC. Instead it would be redirected back into the project. That is where I took issue with the resolution. Although, the resolution would not be binding, if passed, it sends a message that the city is okay with using your vote as a bargaining chip. You can hear more about my position on this resolution here. Special thanks to KSGF and Vincent David Jericho for letting me come on the show.

Later in the day, we had our city council meeting. I will be posting the video this weekend. The afore mentioned resolution was removed from the agenda by its sponsor, Mike Esterl. Since most of the Aldermen had not read the finalized version of the resolution until Saturday, I was not sure how this resolution would be handled. I was thrilled that Mike decided to do remove the Resolution all together. I think it was a good move, and shows the citizens of Ozark that the board of aldermen will be doing what is necessary to protect your tax dollars. You can read more on this decision here.

Tuesday 5/19: State Audit. Susan Montee's office did a great job on this. All I can really say is: Yes, there was some damaging stuff, but nothing fraudulent. I think the worst part was not knowing what was going on, not so much that it was going on. If that makes sense. Now that it's all out on the table, it's not such a big deal. That is the power of transparency in government. Now we know what needs to be fixed and we can all move forward, together as a community. Kudos the the City Admin. and the rest of the city staff for working hard to get many of these issue resolved already. There is a ton of press on this so just check out any of the local media websites. You can also read the entire audit here.

Let me know if you have any questions. You can post a comment or call me 417-231-1045, or send me an email

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fwd: Agenda for May 18, 2009


City of Ozark Missouri



P.O. Box 295




Ozark, Missouri





MONDAY MAY 18, 2009


POSTED May 12, 2009                                          Ordinance #09-016








A.                   BILLS REQUIRING A PUBLIC HEARING:     

B.                   FIRST READING BILLS:    1.             Bill #2453-Amending Title I, Chapter 110 of the Code of

                                                                              Ordinances of the City of Ozark By Deleting a Portion of One

                                                                              Section Relating to the Agenda for Board of Aldermen Meetings

                                                                              and Enacting, In Lieu               Thereof, One New Portion of the Same

                                                                              Section Relating to the Same Subject Matter.  Alderman

                                                                              Melissa Wagner.      

C.                  RESOLUTIONS:                  1.             Resolution #1586-A Resolution to Award the Bid for the Police

                                                                              Hand Guns.  Alderman Rick Gardner.

2.                    Resolution #1587-Finley River District. Alderman

Mike Esterl.

D.                   EMERGENCY BILLS: 

E.                    PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BILLS (TAX BILLS):              

F.                    GRANTS:                             1.             Resolution #1585-A Resolution Authorizing the Ozark Police

                                                                              Department to Submit a Grant Proposal to the Missouri Division

                                                                              of Highway Safety (MDHS). Alderman Chris Snyder.

G.                  AMENDED BILLS: 


1.                    Bill #2450-Zoning Case #2009-383-209 E. Farmer St., Owner Suzanne Vanvig. R-1CH (R-1C Historic) to R-1C. Alderman Dennis Sparrow.

2.                    Bill #2452-An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ozark by Deleting One Section of Title I, Chapter 110 Relating to "Standing Committees Appointed" and Enacting, In Lieu Thereof, One New Section Relating to a Similar Subject Matter. Alderman Mark Spinabella.


1.             Administrative Committee:      1.             STP Urban Allocation.

                                                                2.             State Audit Update.

2.                 Public Safety:                         

3.             Public Works:                         

UNFINISHED BUSINESS:                     1.             Resolution #1584-Awarding the Bid and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the

                                                                                Necessary Documents to Enter Into a Contract with ___________________ for the

                                                                                Annual Purchase of Low Pressure High Output Amalgam UV Lamps for the Wastewater

                                                                                Treatment Plant. Alderman Melissa Wagner.



                                1.             Pay Bills.


The tentative Agenda of this meeting may include a vote to close part of this meeting to discuss Litigation-Personnel-Real Estate pursuant to RSMO: 610-021 (1,2,3) and such other matters as may come before the Board.

                Representatives of the News Media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting: The City Clerk's Office at (417) 581-2407 or by E-Mail

(To be posted at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the Meeting on a bulletin board or other prominent place which is easily accessible to the public and clearly designated for posting notices at the principal office of the Municipal Corporation or Political Subdivision or, if no such office exists, at the building in which the meeting is to be held). In accordance with ADA Guidelines, if you need special accommodations when attending City Meetings, please notify the City Clerk's Office at least 3 days prior to the scheduled meeting.