Monday, April 12, 2010

Lunch Meeting: Discussion on Signs, Parking, and Storage

I don't have today's packet in electronic format.  We will be discussing sign, parking and storage ordinances.  While I have a general opinion about regulation of such things, I am still working on the research for these particular bills.  I will provide a more in depth opinion before the bills go up for their first reading.
On a side note:
Do you believe that businesses within special taxing districts (CIDs, TDDs) should be required to disclose their extra tax rates in the form of a sign on their door or at the register?  My bill to require such will be presented to the board a week from today.  If you feel this is an important measure, I challenge you to attend next Monday's meeting and let your position be known. 

Thanks and Have a Great Day!!

Melissa Wagner


  1. Melissa, I live in Fulton but am working for the MO Jobs and Prosperity Act as well as the national FairTax legislative proposal.Yes, ALL taxes need to be visible. If more Americans realized how much tax was included in the cost of every purchase we would see more people wanting the FairTax and HJR56/29. Those hidden taxes need to be known. Our state is losing economic ground thanks to an outdated tax code. Please visit our web page and see the research there concerning how tax codes effect economy. Thank You and may God give you the audience you deserve. Beverly Martin, Director for Grassroots Development, MO FairTax Inc.

  2. I think that if we are going to force certain business to post their taxes, we should do it to all businesses in the city. Using your argument, citizens have the right to know if they are being taxed by the city, or if they are at a business in the county and avoiding the city sales tax.

  3. Anonymous,

    While I see your point, the difference between CID and TDD taxes is that they are not voted on by the residents of the city and the county. The regular city and county taxes must be approved by a majority vote of the residents. The CID and TDD tax increases circumvent this process, and that is why they need to post their sales tax. I am not the only one that feels this way. In fact, there has been a recent development that the state feels this way too. At least for TDDs. The state mandates that all businesses within a TDD that collect sales tax must prominently post their additional sales tax at their register.
