Sunday, May 16, 2010

Monday's Meeting


I don't have an e-version of the got scanned in sideways, so I'll give you a brief overview of the agenda:

First Readings:
Chris Snyder is offering a bill that will change the Aldermen meetings from Mondays to Tuesdays.

Eddie Campbell is offering a resolution that will allow the Mayor to execute an IRIS software license agreement.  IRIS is an emergency management system that will allow the city to reach citizens in emergency situations by phone, email, and other electronic means. 

Rick Gardner is offering a resolution that will increase membership fees to the OC by 6%.

Dennis Sparrow is offering a resolution to award a bid for pool chemicals.

Amended Bills on First Reading:
Eddie Campbell is offering an amended bill regarding photography in enclosed municipal buildings during sporting events.

Second Readings:
I am offering a bill that will require businesses within Community Improvement Districts to display a sign that discloses the additional amount of sales tax they collect.

Rick Gardner if offering a bill that will create a Community Improvement District at J and N. 17th Street. 

Chris Snyder is offering a bill that will annex into the city a lot on Liberty Ave.

Rick Gardner is offering a bill that will alter the original developers' agreement with Gunnett by removing Plazacorp from the agreement.  This was the developer's agreement that was used as incentive for the B&B movie theater.

Employee Manual update
Old Community Building update
Status of negotiations with the special road district
Declaring surplus vehicles
Awarding bid for removal of hay of the ball field property.

Thanks and Have a Great Day!!

Melissa Wagner

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