Since our City Attorney carrying a weapon appears to be such big news, I felt I better address it. Honestly, I was a little surprised by all the commotion. I would expect an uproar if we were somewhere on one of the coasts. Maybe even St. Louis or KCY, but not in Ozark.
I can only speak for my vote in support on the matter, which I will happily do. I think anyone who is lawfully able to carry a weapon should. I did not vote for this because I am in fear for my safety. I have never felt unsafe in city hall so I am not sure that David's carrying of a weapon could make me feel any safer. I say this meaning no disrespect to David. Due to his service to our Great Nation, for which I am grateful, I am sure he is more than capable of safely and proficiently carrying and, if necessary, using a firearm.
My vote was simply a matter of upholding our City Attorney's right to carry, and I would have voted the same for anyone else. It is about protecting an individual's right to protect their own person.
Frankly, I would not even be in opposition to citizens lawfully carrying in city hall. We all encounter untold numbers of concealed weapons each day and I don't feel any less safe encountering them in city hall than I do in Walmart or Bullseye or any other location. To place a false distinction between city hall and nearly everywhere else may be comforting, but it's not realistic and merely provides a false sense of security.
If some one wants to reek havoc on city hall, they will do it. They will not care about our city ordinances and my guess is they will not be the type of person who could even get a conceal and carry permit.
So...if you haven't guessed already, I think the 2nd Amendment is pretty great. And even though it was only for one guy, I am proud to have been given a relitivly small and perhaps insignificant opportunity help uphold it.