Thursday, October 29, 2009

Riverside Inn


If you have any interest in Christian County's participation in the Riverside Inn/FEMA situation,  it is on the agenda for Monday's Commissioners' meeting.  Discussion on the topic will begin at 1 pm in at the Christian County Courthouse.  I have included the official agenda.


Notice of Public Meeting

Posted @ 8:00 a.m. October 30, 2009 

*******OCTOBER TERM******* 

Notice is hereby given that the Christian County Commission will meet in regular session at: 

The Christian County Courthouse

100 W. Church Street Room 100

on:  November 2, 2009 

This notice of meeting was posted in the locked box located on the south side of the Christian County Courthouse, a place readily accessible to the general public and remained posted at least 24 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.   

This notice was also posted on the Christian County Web site: 

8:45 a.m.  Karen Matthews, Treasurer

Re:  Investments 

      9:00 a.m.  Bid Opening for Sheriff's Office

     Re:  S.U.V Purchase 

                       9:15 a.m.  Joey Kyle, Sheriff

                  Re:  Discussion about Inmate Healthcare 

                                         10:00 a.m.  Sam Yarnell, Auditor

        Re:  Budget Study Session 

    11:00 a.m.  Davis, Lynn & Moots, Auditors

            Re:  Contract Signing, Audit 2009 

                                         1:00 p.m.  Sheila Huddleston, SEMA

                Re:  Mitigation Grant (Riverside Inn)   

The agenda of this meeting may include a vote to close a portion of the meeting pursuant to 610.021 of the Missouri Sunshine Law.

Thanks and Have a Great Day!!

Melissa Wagner

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